Cody Wyoming Elk & Deer Hunting Trips, Outfitters

Cody Wyoming
> Summer Recreation
> Hunting / Outfitters

Hunting / Outfitters

You’ll find all the animals you want, from elk and moose to antelope and bighorn sheep when you choose Cody, Wyoming as the place to do your big game hunting.

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Providers These companies can get you there

Mooncrest Ranch

Full service hunt, lodging accommodations at Mooncrest Lodge. Meals, hunting camp by horseback for elk, deer, and sheep.


During the various hunting seasons for the different big game around Cody, Wyoming, you’ll not only experience the best hunting ever, but will also enjoy some of the most lovely scenery anywhere in the United States.

Where to go hunting around Cody, Wyoming

The wilderness lands around Cody stretch for miles. Set against the gorgeous backdrop of the Absaroka and Beartooth Mountains, Cody offers hunters many unique opportunities. You have the choice of a number of areas to embark upon your hunting adventure.

In Shoshone National Forest, you’ll find most of this forest open to hunting. The Washakie Wilderness, southeast Yellowstone National Park is a wonderful place to find your trophy elk. Hunting expeditions into the Bridger Teton National Forest happen with regularity. Elk, black bears, moose, bighorn sheep and more all inhabit the Wapiti Valley, Sunlight Basin and the South Fork of the Shoshone River area.


The only expense you’ll have is your hunting license, which is a must. Prices vary widely as it depends on what game you’re hunting, but following are a few examples:

  • Conservation license – prerequisite for obtaining your hunting license
    $8 resident
    $10 nonresident
  • Antelope license – done by special drawing, limited to specific areas
    $19 resident
    $205 nonresident
  • Deer license – for antlerless Whitetail deer
    $10 resident
    $75 nonresident
  • Mountain Lion license – over the counter purchase available
    $19 resident
    $320 nonresident

You can apply for a permit (and find out all the licensing rules and regulations) by going to the Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks website.

Hire a Guide

Hunting in the Cody, Wyoming area is so extensive that it’s a great idea to hire a hunting guide for your adventure. Local outfitters and guides have a lot of experience and their knowledge of where to find the game is vast. Check out the suppliers in the listings to find an outfitter who will fit your needs.

Safety Precautions

Hunting can be a dangerous sport, but knowing a few tips can keep you safe:

  • Always wear bright colors when you are out in the field.
  • Leave the safety on until ready to fire.
  • Don’t shoot at hard surfaces such as water, rocks or steel. The bullet can ricochet.